SPEAKIN Lab is a research group doing speech and language science. Our main interests are speech learning and adaptation, speech perception and production, and their dynamics across the lifespan, languages, language varieties, and accents. For more detail on what we do exactly, please see the projects page.

We’re scientists and students affiliated with the Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. Our experiments run mostly in LABELS, a.k.a. Laboratory of Behavioural and Linguistic Studies, as well as at schools, hospitals, and at collaborating institutions. We collaborate closely with the English department at Palacký University in Olomouc, as well as with universities and research institutes in the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Australia.

Since its establishment in 2018, the research of our laboratory has been continuously funded from various external and internal sources. We have been supported by grants from the Czech Science Foundation, the Grant Agency of Charles University, the European Regional Development Fund and the Czech Ministry of Education, and programs supporting excellent research from Charles University (Primus program) and the Academy of Sciences (Lumina Quaeruntur).

We’re looking for little monolingual and bilingual participants. Do you have a child aged 1-30 months? Sign up for our research! In addition to learning about language acquisition, there is a reward waiting for you.

What’s new

8. 10. 2024

Kateřina Chládková is among the five talented scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic who have been selected for the Hope of Czech Science column in the metropolitan magazine City Life MF Dnes.

You can read the full interview with Katka and the other scientists in the MF DNES archive.

9. 9. 2024

We are already waiting for the Biennial of Czech Linguistics 2024 conference, which we are co-organizing. You can look forward, for example, to a special panel Multilingualism in the Czech Republic, which will take place on Tuesday, 17 September at 17.00 at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.

A recording of the event is available here.

13. 8. 2024

What to do to make children speak better? Drop the dummy early, let the children drum and take a ball to help. It is not only the phenomenon of baby signs that Kateřina Chládková and Michaela Svoboda talk about in an interview for Hospodářské noviny.

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