Kateřina Chládková
Kateřina works on how people learn and process speech and language. After her PhD at the University of Amsterdam (2014), followed by two postdoctoral periods (at the University of Amsterdam and at Leipzig University), she started her own research group in Prague (2018). The current projects of this group aim to uncover how, when, and from whom, infants learn native-language speech, whether older children and adults could learn a new language as effortlessly and fluently, and how embodiment and multimodality influence language learning. She uses behavioural, neurophysiological (EEG and MEG), and computational methods (neural networks).
When not in the lab, you would most likely find Kateřina with her three little boys. She loves walking in the woods and by the sea, she’s kind of a foodie, and likes to sing (when no one’s listening).
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