We try to make science accessible to the public.

Enter with us into the world of speech, language, babies, brain and cognition.

It was a big fun and great honor to collaborate on a kids’ TV series about brain and cognition: Zvěd na ČT:D (aired from 2.9.2021).

On Radio Wave Katka talked about learning and teaching children a second language (10.7.2021).

The newspaper Hospodářské noviny (Mozek se přizpůsobil rouškám: Řeč vnímá jinak.), and several magazines (Žurnál UP, Universitas a ČT 24.) wrote about our experiment on how face masks lead to an adaptation in the ways we perceive speech.

We collaborated on Zvěd youtube series about babies’ cognitive development.

Our research on first- and second-language speech learning has been featured in the weekly economics magazine Hrot: Není parník jako perník and in a major Czech newspaper Hospodářské noviny Kdopak to mluví: Základní informace o kódu mateřského jazyka se děti učí už v děloze. V jeho intonaci pak i pláčou

Katka gave a talk about baby and adult language learning at the European Day of Languages, 26 Sept 2019.

This video shows some of our baby experiments:

You could also see us on TV (in a Czech morning show talking about child speech, and in a news entry about learning native and foreign languages).

Our lab is participating in the Open Science programme of the Czech Academy of Sciences, welcoming three high-school students as research interns for 2020. The students won a 1st place at the annual students conference and continue in their work with us in 2021.